Weigela (Spilled Wine)

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2 Gallon
$ 36.99


Product Details

DescriptionBlooming TimeCommon NameFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone

2 Gallon Spilled Wine This smart little shrub looks like an exotic special, but actually it's easy to grow, very dependable, and super long blooming.

2 GallonSpilled Wine Spring

2 GallonSpilled Wine Weigela Florida

2 GallonSpilled Wine Pink

2 GallonSpilled Wine 18" - 24" / 45cm - 60cm

2 GallonSpilled Wine Sun

2 GallonSpilled Wine Well drained

2 GallonSpilled Wine 24" - 36" / 60cm - 90cm

2 GallonSpilled Wine 4 - 9
